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How to installing TP-Link TG-3468 with VMWare ESXi 6.x

 How to installing TP-Link TG-3468 with VMWare ESXi 6.x

TP-Link TG-3468 NIC compatibility to VMware ESXi

Driver vib

The drive this compatibility works with HW version 2 only
You can observe by "Rev 2" Screen on Board.


1.Upload the VIB file 
into a data store (use a local data store for simplicity)
Upload the net55-r8168-8.039.01-napi.x86_64.vib file 
(direct download linkright-click and “Save as…”) somewhere on the system 
(I just placed mine in one of my datastores1)

2.Ensure SSH is enabled on the ESXI host

3.SSH into your ESXi host & set the acceptance level to “Community Supported”
       esxcli software acceptance set  --level=CommunitySupported

4.Get the full path to the VIB file by browsing to the location 
on the datastore using the cd “change directory” command. Datastores are within the /vmfs/volumes/ folder
       esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/net55-r8168-8.039.01-napi.x86_64.vib

After hitting Enter : Wait about 1-2 minutes – There is no visible progress
Installation Result
The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
VIBs Installed: Realtek_bootbank_net55-r8168_8.045a-napi
VIBs Removed:
VIBs Skipped:

5.Done!!!  and 
Reboot the ESXi host to allow the driver to come into effect You should now be able to see in Networking > Physical NICs a vmnic with driver “r8168”



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